Ministry Partners
We partner with many institutions in the Southwest Region. Below you will find the different educational institutions and mission centers in the region.
Educational Institutions
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Disciples Campus Ministry at TCU takes many forms, but its essential purpose is to provide a presence for the Disciples of Christ students at Texas Christian University. Through Disciples Campus Ministry, students have an opportunity to embrace wholeness in a fragmented world. This is taught through exploration of the Bible, articulation of one’s own faith and beliefs, and focus on who Jesus is calling them to be by loving and serving all creation.
Disciples on Campus (or “DOC”) is the on-campus student organization, led by Rev. Lea McCracken, Disciples Campus Minister, and students leaders. Through DOC, students come together weekly for fellowship, worship, study, and service.
Jarvis Christian College
Jarvis Christian College is a historically Black liberal arts, associate and baccalaureate, degree-granting institution affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The mission of the college is to prepare students intellectually, through academic programs that promote excellence in teaching and learning; socially, through student-centered support programs that encourage positive and constructive communication among peers, faculty, and staff; spiritually, through programs that stimulate spiritual growth and worship; and personally, through interaction that fosters self-development and maturity using different modalities of instructional delivery. The mission further seeks to prepare students for professional and graduate studies, productive careers, and to function effectively in a global and technological society.
Brite Divinity School
Brite Divinity School educates and inspires people to serve God’s diverse world as leaders in churches, the academy, and public life.
Today Brite Divinity School is one of the premier teaching and research institutions in the Southwest. In 1998 Brite began offering a Ph.D. degree in two areas: Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Care and Biblical Interpretation. In addition, Brite offers several masters degrees: Master of Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry, Master of Divinity, and Master of Theology.
Mission Centers
Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries
The Mission of Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries is to teach the love of Jesus Christ by building a renewed sense of wholeness and dignity and by standing with those who are broken, especially among refugees and those who are disenfranchised and displaced. The Good News of salvation is lived out by addressing spiritual and material needs, including emergency shelter and food, clothing, transportation, legal aid, advocacy and job referral through a cooperative effort with other agencies and religious organizations.
Juliette Fowler Communities
It takes time to create a place as special as Juliette Fowler Communities—more than 125 years in fact. We grew up in East Dallas as a community people of all ages could call home. Today, we’re still an intergenerational family serving children, youth and seniors.
There are lots big, expensive senior living communities in Dallas. Many are for-profit operations that have been bought and sold multiple times. We’re something else entirely—intimate, cozy, comfortable—and you’ll feel the difference immediately.
At Juliette Fowler, you’ll find new things to discover, new friends to cherish, new ways to learn, grow, share, inspire and make a difference. We’re here to enrich lives—not to make money for shareholders.
Our website is filled with information about who we are, what we strive for and how it feels to live here. If you’re ready for an exciting new stage in your life, please explore these pages and then come see us.
Inman Christian Center
Inman is a neighborhood based community center serving the needs of low- income individuals and families in the inner city of San Antonio. Inman provides childcare, social services, education, recreation, and emergency food assistance as well as housing for individuals who are elderly and/or disabled.