Responding to COVID's next phase

We are living in the liminal space of COVID—in between COVID19, Post-COVID Normalizing, and Delta Variant Spike.  This time is challenging for congregational leaders.  It has made information sharing, hybrid worship planning, and pastoral care more complicated.

Yet, this time has also seen life-giving responses from congregational leaders as we recognize our interdependence, seek collaborations, attend to mental health and social equity in new ways.  In the face of all of this, here are some resources to help.

  • At least one congregation in our region has received “Mental Health First Aid” training offered by their closest hospital system and is offering this training to their members.”  Mental Health First Aid is facilitated by both the State Health Agencies of New Mexico and Texas.

  • Disciples Tech—is a new initiative to help congregations better manage their technology especially around Hybrid (in-person + streaming) worship. 

  • Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF, formerly Board of Church Extension) is helping congregations reassess their building needs.  To begin that conversation, CCSW Congregations should reach out to Rev. Dr. Craig Walls, or Rev. Rosario Ibarra, (Spanish) or or call 800-274-1883 or 866-534-1949 (Spanish).

  • Faith4Vaccines is an initiative to provide brief testimonials from Faith Leaders about why they received the vaccine for COVID19. These are short videos that can be viewed quickly and even shown in worship. Testimonials are included from our General Minister and President--Terri Hord Owens, FCC-Katy Pastor--Heather Tolleson, and Week of Compassion Director--Vy Nguyen along with several other outstanding Disciples Leaders.

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